Massive supervolcano threatens to erupt in European town

 is headed for Pozzuoli, Italy as the government has been planning for a possible mass evacuation of tens of thousands of people who live around the vast volcanic area known as the Campi Flegrei.

Sulfuric gases seep out from the ground of the city, creating an otherworldly atmosphere that draws in hordes of tourists.

Locals have grown accustomed to the persistent odor, the noxious emissions, and the occasional tremors.

However, a significant event occurred on September 27, when a 4.2 magnitude earthquake shook the volcanic region.

This quake was the most powerful in over four decades and raised concerns that what scientists label a “seismic crisis” might be unfolding for the first time since the early 1980s.

The major earthquake, which didn’t result in any significant structural damage, and approximately 500 smaller quakes in October have left locals on edge.

One resident, Annamaria Scardi, a mother of two teenagers, has also felt concerned by the number of quakes to hit the region.

She said: “Even those small ones (quakes) make us afraid.

Pozzuoli's Ancient Craters And A Legacy Of Volcanic Unrest


“We are worried because (we are supposed to) run away. But where do we go? Where?

“This is the situation. We’re on edge.”

However, experts have said that there is no immediate threat of eruption but remain concerned that geophysical activity is causing ground uplift and descent, which can cause buildings to become unstable.

If the buildings become in danger of collapse, the government made the decision this month to order widespStart 30-day
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These ground movements, referred to as bradyseism, occur due to the filling or draining of magma chambers deep below the Earth’s surface.

and leading to the temporary evacuation of 40,000 residents from Pozzuoli, a place famously associated with actress Sophia Loren.

Local Vincenzo Russo said: “My family is divided… I want to stay, but my wife and children are looking for a house in the Castel Volturno area.

“hen you sleep at night, the nightmare is always there. You forget the situation and you’re on the couch, and then the tremor is there with you. There are big ones and small ones. Yesterday, for example, we had two small tremors before lunch.”

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