The Week contest: Crash caption

This week’s question: A Colorado driving school employee accidentally slammed his car into the school’s front window, leaving the wreckage lodged under a sign that says, “Learn to Drive.” In seven or fewer words, come up with a caption for a photo of this accident scene.

Click here to see the results of last week’s contest: Lazy job

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THE WINNER: “Those Who Can’t…Teach Here”

John Sullivan, West Babylon, New York

SECOND PLACE: “Lesson One: Brake vs. Gas”

Claire Williams, Louisville, Kentucky 

THIRD PLACE: “99% Success Rate”

Kari Coleman, Los Angeles, California


“WANTED: Driving Instructor (Cash Reward Offered)”

Ron Noah, Charles City, Iowa

“Honk if You Like Irony”

Art Rodia, Southbury, Connecticut 

 “Learning How Not to Drive: Also Important!”

Bruce J. Maltzman, Wellington, Florida

“Also, Learn to Brake”

Jeff Johnson, Arlington, Massachusetts 

“This Is the ‘Before’ Photo”

Daniel Hicks, Randolph, Massachusetts 

” . . . But Not Like Me”

Skip Flanagan, Roseville, California

“Re-Read Chapter 1”

Ivan Kershner, Salem, South Carolina

“We Also Teach Nuclear Reactor Safety Classes”

Larry Rifkin, Glastonbury, Connecticut 

“Self-Driving AI Achieves Parity with Humans” 

David Wimer, Xenia, Ohio

“Learn to Drive. Parking Lessons Not Included”

Frank Sargent, Carlisle, Massachusetts 

“Have Someone Bring You the First Day”

Rob Huffman, Fredericksburg, Virginia

“Getting Into This School… Just Got Easier”

Lidia Zidik, Reading, Pennsylvania

“Total Immersion Driving School”

Bruce Jackson, Shaker Heights, Ohio


Pat Schaffer, Loose Creek, Missouri

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