The Week contest: Political self-sabotage

This week’s question: A quickly retracted email release from a California congressional candidate announced he was suspending his campaign due to a “lack of joy.” In seven words or fewer, create an honest campaign slogan for a candidate who actually hates running for office and would prefer to lose.

Click here to see the results of last week’s contest: Crash caption

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THE WINNER: “Yes We Can, But I’d Rather Not”

Hunter Burgan, Los Angeles, California

SECOND PLACE: “Ask Not What I Can Do”

Larry Rifkin, Glastonbury, Connecticut

THIRD PLACE: “If I Win, I’ll Demand a Recount”

Philip Barnett, Bronx, New York


“This Slogan Intentionally Left Blank”

Gary Greene, Greenfield, Massachusetts

“I’ll Put the F.U. in Your Future!”

Barbara James, Bedford, Massachusetts.

“I Really Don’t Care, Do You?”

Daurelle Harris, Chalfont, Pennsylvania

“Make America British Again”

Ivan Kershner, Salem, South Carolina 

“When They Go Low, We Go, ‘Bye!'”

Candy Hanks, Burbank, California

“I Dare To Dream (Don’t Wake Me)”

Kenneth Burgan, Grass Valley, California

“Hope and Change Takes Too Much Work”

Janine Witte, Doylestown, Pennsylvania

“Read My Lips: Plenty More New Taxes”

Bill Levine, Belmont, Massachusetts

“Send Me Back to My Own House”

Claire Williams, Louisville, Kentucky

“Trust Me: You Shouldn’t Trust Me”

Ash Sharman, Fairfax, Virginia

“I’m for Term Limits Measured In Minutes”

Daniel Hicks, Randolph, Massachusetts

“Please Stop Thinking About Tomorrow”

Janet Oberfoell, Monticello, Iowa

“It’s Morning in America….Ugh, Mornings”

Barry Heller, Rolling Hills Estates, California

“Whatever My Opponent Says, I Did”

Steve Savage, Dallas, Texas

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