Tags: Interest rates

The best age for financial choices

Here are three of the week’s top pieces of financial insight, gathered from around the web: The 1% down mortgage Forget 20%. Zillow is offering some homebuyers a 1% down payment, said Matthew Fox in Business Insider. For now, the hefty financing option is “only offered to eligible borrowers in Arizona, though the company intends…

Are American consumers facing a credit crisis?

Is it time for your household to rein in its spending? The Washington Post reported that American consumers are increasingly falling behind on car loan and credit card payments, a “troubling signal of consumer stress” that is “most acute for lower-income earners” who mostly spent down the stimulus money they socked away during the pandemic.…

China: A slowdown sends tremors worldwide

The smartest insight and analysis, from all perspectives, rounded up from around the web: The world’s economic engine is sputter­ing, said The Economist. When China abandoned its draconian zero­ Covid con­trols last year, the expectation was that it “would stage a rapid recovery, even as other countries courted recession.” In fact, China’s economic growth has…

China: A slowdown sends tremors worldwide

The smartest insight and analysis, from all perspectives, rounded up from around the web: The world’s economic engine is sputter­ing, said The Economist. When China abandoned its draconian zero­ Covid con­trols last year, the expectation was that it “would stage a rapid recovery, even as other countries courted recession.” In fact, China’s economic growth has…

Is there a ‘richcession’ and could it help the economy?

A recession impacts the middle and lower classes more than the wealthy. But during a “richcession,” it’s the “well-heeled who take a bigger hit than usual,” according to The Wall Street Journal’s Justin Lahar, who coined the term. At the beginning of the year, experts warned of a richcession, claiming that industries such as the luxury goods…

Cruise ships sail to the top of the S&P 500

Here are three of the week’s top pieces of financial insight, gathered from around the web: ARMs lose their allure Adjustable-rate mortgages are a losing proposition for most homebuyers right now, said Veronica Dagher in The Wall Street Journal. The average rate on ARMs is currently “nearly equivalent to the average 30-year fixed rate of…