Tags: Tech

Copyright and fair use in the digital era

Months after a U.S. judge found the Internet Archive liable for copyright infringement against four major book publishers, the two parties reached a tentative agreement that could force the free online library to remove more than the original 127 books the group sued over. They might have to read the publishers’ entire book catalogs. If approved,…

Artificial intelligence goes to school

AI is transforming education from grade school to grad school and making take-home essays obsolete. Here’s everything you need to know: How is AI changing schooling? It’s raising questions about whether age-old methods of educating people can or should survive in a world where sophisticated answers to virtually any question are just a few keystrokes…

5 defunct social media platforms you might have forgotten

The Twitter era has essentially ended after the company’s owner, Elon Musk, rebranded the company as X, nixing the iconic blue bird in the process. For some critics, Musk has been the harbinger of death for the social media platform since acquiring it in 2022. In his quest to remake Twitter into a free speech haven, Musk…

Elon Musk kills the bird

The smartest insight and analysis, from all perspectives, rounded up from around the web: Farewell, Twitter, said Oliver Darcy at CNN. This week, “the text-based social media platform that played an outsize role in society by serving as a digital town square was killed by its unhinged owner, Elon Musk.” Musk officially changed the company’s iconic…

World’s reduced thirst for oil may be foiled by developing countries’ challenges

The International Energy Agency (IEA) predicted last month that the demand for energy is nearing its peak in 2026 for transport uses and 2028 for other uses. However, the fate of the world’s oil demands largely rests on the economies of developing countries. What are the prospects for oil demand? An IEA medium-term report released this year…