A federal judge on Tuesday gave Microsoft the green light to move forward with its acquisition of video game developer Activision Blizzard. The company still faces an antitrust lawsuit by the Federal Trade Commission, but U.S. District Judge Jacqueline Scott Corley ruled against the regulator’s request for a temporary injunction. Throughout the intense five-day hearing,…
Tags: Business
SAG-AFTRA president Fran Drescher is leading the charge
Her portrayal of Fran Fine shot her to fame, but it’s her latest role as president of SAG-AFTRA that put Fran Drescher back in the spotlight. The 65-year-old actress, writer and producer was elected to lead SAG-AFTRA — the union representing more than 160,000 actors and other media professionals — in September 2021. On July…
Mark Zuckerberg vs. Elon Musk: a tale of the tech tape
In what is perhaps the definition of a literal grudge match, Twitter owner Elon Musk and Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg have indicated their interest in fighting each other. The feud emerged when Musk, 51, tweeted his enthusiasm for a Las Vegas-held, MMA-style cage match between himself and Zuckerberg, 39. The latter replied to Musk’s challenge…
The Great Resignation is ending. Now what?
After three years and plenty of staffing shortages, it seems the so-called Great Resignation is on its way out. The phenomenon first arose as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, when fatigued workers with cash to burn and time to think gave their employers an ultimatum: Show me you value me, or I’ll find somewhere…
10 of the most powerful passports in the world
One of the hallmarks of any traveler is a well-worn passport, but not every country’s passport is the same. Depending on the country of origin, a national passport could carry significant weight and influence at customs — or sometimes not so much. The strength of the world’s passports is measured by the International Air Transport Association…
UPS reaches tentative deal to avoid strike
UPS reached a tentative deal with its Teamsters union on Tuesday, potentially avoiding a strike that could have caused supply chain disruptions across the country. The deal is “a win-win-win agreement on the issues that are important to Teamsters leadership, our employees, and to UPS and our customers,” UPS CEO Carol Tomé said in a press…
Dear lawmakers: Border-adjustable tax can’t shrink trade deficit while producing trillions in revenue
Dear lawmakers: Border-adjustable tax can’t shrink trade deficit while producing trillions in revenue Some lawmakers claim a border-adjustable tax will raise massive amounts of revenue to help pay for corporate tax cuts and give a powerful jolt to US-based manufacturers. But both cannot be true. | View caption Hide caption Lawmakers who back a border…
Vladimir Putin humiliates own military in first state awards since Wagner mutiny
completely snubbed serving members of the Russian military in the country’s first state awards since the rebellion against the president’s rule, it has been claimed. During a special ceremony at the Kremlin Palace, Putin said orders and medals would be awarded to those “who selflessly defended the constitutional order of on June 24”. This was…
How solar and wind energy are saving Texans from a record heatwave
Texas has been breaking all sorts of records, and that’s mostly bad news. As a heat dome settled over Texas in June, trapping brutal heat and humidity underneath, high temperature records were broken across the state. It was so hot in Texas, meteorologist Ben Noll noted, that the only rivals on planet Earth were “the Sahara…
Shoplifting is on the rise. So are solutions.
Safety The Explainer Shoplifting is on the rise. So are solutions. | View caption Hide caption High-profile cases of shoplifting seem to be everywhere. Policymakers, researchers, and businesses are all trying to both assess and solve the problem. “She actually did purchase a couple items, but she also stole a couple items,” says the security…