Car with bull named Howdy Doody crammed into passenger seat pulled over by Nebraska police

A man driving a full-size bull named Howdy Doody in the passenger seat of his car was pulled over by police in Nebraska on Wednesday after a stunned onlooker reported the odd sight, authorities said.

Officers in Norfolk, about 120 miles northwest of Omaha, were dispatched at 10:05 a.m. CDT answering a call for a “vehicle with a cow inside” rolling through town, police records showed.

Nebraska police were in for a surprise after they got a call about a man driving through town with a “cow” in the passenger seat. News Channel Nebraska

Police assumed the bovine passenger would be a small calf, but what they came upon near the corner of West Norfolk Avenue and North 13th Street was a full-size bull riding shotgun in a Ford Crown Victoria.

The car’s roof on the passenger side had been removed so the animal could fit.

Howdy Doody is apparently a regular attraction at parades and fairs throughout the Cornhusker State and police just asked the driver to be careful and keep moving.

Passenger cars are often retrofitted to be allowed to transport animals, a state Department of Motor Vehicles attorney said Thursday.

Approval and enforcement of those auto retrofits fall under the responsibility of the Nebraska State Patrol, the DMV attorney said. A representative of that agency could not be immediately reached for comment.


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