The Week contest: Meeting creep

This week’s question: “Meeting creep” is locking workers into endless, prolonged video conferences with bosses and colleagues that crowd out actual work. In seven words or fewer, come up with a message for a pop-up screen warning everyone that their remote meeting is taking too long.

Click here to see the results of last week’s contest: Lab chicken 

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THE WINNER: “Excessive Waste of Oxygen Detected”

Beth Simon, Oakland, California 

SECOND PLACE: “Warning: Projects Are Closer Than They Appear”

Edward Pinsky, Montrose, New York 

THIRD PLACE: “All Participants Have Reached Mandatory Retirement Age”

Daniel Hicks, Randolph, Massachusetts 


“Warning: Suspicious Inactivity Detected”

Carol Joseph, Bloomfield Hills, Michigan

“Viewer Desertion Is Advised”

Larry Hooks, New Hartford, New York

“Congress Would Call This a Filibuster”

Ken Kellam III, Dallas, Texas

“You’ve Been Selected! (To Do Actual Work)”

Kenneth Burgan, Grass Valley, California

“Time Unrecoverable”

Nicole Mesirow, Chicago, Illinois 

“ERROR: No Interest Can Be Detected”

Julie Walters, Milwaukee, Wisconsin 

“It’s Called Zoom for a Reason!”

Dave Grossman, Petaluma, California

“You Are All Running Out of Memory”

Ken Liebman, Williston, Vermont

“Caution: Bladders Nearing Overflow”

David Pagath, Mesa, Arizona

“To Extend Meeting, Report Directly Into Office”

Jim Novosad, Scottsdale, Arizona

“Shut the Flock Up”

Roger McDonald, Cartersville, Georgia

“You Are About to Enter Another Dimension.”

John Keefe, Mount Vernon, Washington

“This Meeting Now Could’ve Been TWO Emails”

Mike Blauer, Burley, Idaho

“Nervous System Crash Detected”

Bill Levine, Belmont, Massachusetts 

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